PURPOSE: To help catchers understand the feeling of waiting to bring their glove off the ground until they have to, work on top or around the ball while starting underneath it, and to help them build rhythm.

Catcher sets up in any stance, while drill partner rolls the ball to a variety of different locations. Catcher should leave their hand on the ground until the last possible second and extend through the ball to get their hand into one of the three acceptable glove positions (A, B or C).


PURPOSE: To help catchers understand the feeling of waiting to bring their glove off the ground until they have to, work on top or around the ball while starting underneath it, and to help them build rhythm.

Catcher sets up in any stance, while drill partner rolls the ball to a variety of different locations. Catcher should leave their hand on the ground until the last possible second and extend through the ball to get their hand into one of the three acceptable glove positions (A, B or C).


PURPOSE: To help catchers understand the feeling of establishing an angle of attack that works underneath the ball and protects the bottom of the strike zone, as was as to help them build rhythm.

Catcher sets up in any stance, while drill partner bounces (or short hops) the ball to a variety of different locations. Catcher should leave their hand on the ground until the last possible second and extend underneath and through the ball to get their hand into one of the three acceptable glove positions (A, B or C).


PURPOSE: To help catchers build hand-eye coordination, understand the feeling of staying underneath the ball and to help them build rhythm.

Catcher sets up in any stance, while drill partner stands behind them and drops the tennis the ball in front of the catcher to a variety of different locations. Catcher should track the ball off the ground and attempt to receive it before it drops below their glove hand. They should extend underneath and through the ball to get their hand into one of the three acceptable glove positions (A, B or C).


PURPOSE: To help increase catcher’s hand-eye coordination, understand the timing of when to bring their glove off the ground and to help them build rhythm.

Catcher sets up in any stance facing a wall and set up about four feet in front of it. Drill partner stands behind them and underhand tosses a ball to the wall in front of the catcher. Once the catcher spots the location of the ball, they shouldensure their glove hand is woking underneath the ball, and extend through the it to get their hand into one of the three acceptable glove positions (A, B or C).


PURPOSE: To help catchers understand how to create a counter force with their body and arm while receiving pitches.

Catcher sets up in any receiving stance, starts their glove hand on the ground in a variety of different locations, and works around the perimeter of the ball in an attempt to keep any and all movement after contact with the hand towards the strike zone.


PURPOSE: To help catchers build rhythm and establish positive attack angles to the ball while receiving without the impact of a full speed pitch.

Catcher sets up in front of the a drill partner who underhand tosses the ball to a variety of different locations.

Start out by going in order to each third of home plate, and then mix them up.


PURPOSE: To help catchers avoid bringing their glove off the ground too early. When the glove comes off the ground early, it often ends up above the ball and the catcher ends up pushing the ball out of the bottom of the zone when catching it. This drill helps create a comfortability with leaving the glove down until the right moment.

Catcher sets up in front of the a drill partner who underhand tosses the ball to a variety of different locations or drops the ball into a pitching machine.

The catcher will start with their glove on the ground, close to their body with a ball underneath it on the ground.

The goal is to push the ball resting underneath the glove forward while making the move to receive the pitch throw to them. If they simply lift the glove off the ground the ball resting underneath will not move. This will offer immediate feedback.